Saturday, April 17, 2010

Seven people die in suicide car blast in Kohat

Geo 436 KOHAT: At least seven people were killed and 26 wounded in a suicide car bomb attack in the northwestern Pakistani city of Kohat on Sunday, police said. “It was a suicide attack, the target was a police station,” Dilawar Khan Bangash, city police chief, said while talking to a French news agency. “The bomber exploded his vehicle on the back side of the police station. “Seven people have been killed and 26 were injured in this car suicide attack,” Abdullah Jan, the district’’s top police officer told reporters. “These incidents are a reaction to the military operation in the tribal areas.” Another senior police officer confirmed the attack, adding that around 200 kilograms of explosives were used. The attack comes just a day after two suicide bombers dressed in burqas struck a crowd of displaced people collecting aid handouts, killing at least 41 and wounding more than 60 at a nearby camp. The bombers struck minutes apart on Saturday in the Kacha Pukha camp on the outskirts of the garrison city of Kohat, a registration centre for people fleeing Taliban violence and Pakistani army operations close to the Afghan border.

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