Sunday, April 18, 2010

IPL row: Indian minister resigns

Geo 436 NEW DELHI: Indian minister of state Shashi Tharoor on Sunday handed over his resignation to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. His resignation came minutes after the ruling Congress party met at the PM’’s residence to discuss the controversy, which was causing embarrassment to the government. Shashi Tharoor went to the PM’’s residence and handed over his resignation to the Prime Minister. According to Indian media, he was asked to resign by PM Manmohan Singh. Pressure had been building on Tharooor since news broke a week ago that a female friend, said by Indian media to be his girlfriend, was granted a free stake in a new franchise of the money-spinning Indian Premier League. The alleged deal was revealed by powerful IPL chief Lalit Modi, who leaked details on microblogging website Twitter. Opposition parties say the stake, worth 15 million dollars, was for Tharoor’’s behind-the-scenes services in putting together the consortium that bought the Kochi team, which will be based in Kerala state. Tharoor, the deputy foreign minister, has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, stating he helped secure the franchise to boost cricket in Kerala, whose capital, Thiruvananthapuram, he represents in parliament. His attempts to make a statement on Friday in parliament were drowned out by opposition shouting. Tharoor, who spent almost three decades with the United Nations before quitting in 2007, was elected an MP last year. He joined Congress only in 2008 and within the party has made enemies for being an outsider who was elevated so rapidly.

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