Sunday, April 18, 2010

Govt helpless in tackling power shortfall

Geo 436 LAHORE: The power shortfall persisted at over 5000 Megawatts, as the load shedding spans are relentlessly afflicting the lives despite it being Sunday today. According to the sources in Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO), the power production of 10,300 MWs stands far behind the demand of 15,500 MWs; while, the 5200 MW shortfall is being met with an additional five-hour scheduled and unannounced load shedding spans. Lahore is suffering from 11-hour load shedding; while, the span is widened to 18 hours in villages. The consumers turned to streets and alleged that the Pepco is not running the power plants to save it money. Meantime, MD Pepco Basharat Cheema said the outflow of 10,000 cusecs from Tarbela Dam from April 21 will come handy in reducing the shortfall, adding the shut power plants will begin functioning in the meantime.

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