Tuesday, April 20, 2010

18th Amendment challenged at SC’s Lahore registry

Geo 436 ISLAMABAD: The 18th Constitutional Amendment has been challenged at the Supreme Court’’s Lahore registry on Tuesday. Petitioner Barrister Zafarullah challenged in his petition the role of Parliament in appointments of the judges in higher judiciary, maintaining that the amendment was made for political gains. Another petition was also filed against the 18th Amendment in the Lahore High Court challenging the renaming of the NWFP. The petition filed at the Supreme Court’’s Lahore Registry just a day after President Asif Ali Zardari made the 18th Amendment a part of the constitution, raised objections on three points. The first objection was regarding the appointment of the judges, where the petition said that the new procedure would make everything dependent on the legislature. The second point raised was in regard to intra-party elections. The petitioner said that all parties should remain bound to conduct intra-party elections. The petition also challenged the removal of the ban on third time premiership.

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