Nawaz Sharif Said 'Nation will forgive Zardari if he returns its money' So i can asked a simple questions, Nawaz sharif Please give the answer, please give all the detail of corruption of your government your two term of 1990′s is very corrupted era of Pakistan, If you blamed a Zardari government that era is too difficult because after a one examination another examination is ready and government are very busy in that exam but in the 19′s you give a blender how can answer you. you blamed target killing is appear in Zardari government but Police Killing appear in your government, fund collected to people and use to expand your business, In the name of Public transport Yellow Cab scandal is appeared in your era, Khyber bank scandal Case,

collected Tax to run local government but in your era no local government run in any area where is the money, you Blackmail all the leaders and making a fake FIR. and Now Corruption is very high level appear in your area, Now Punjab government have a big number of wrong degree, Police killing Start in Punjab, money scandal appear in Punjab (Hospital Stop Working but all fund released behind the Pak Air Force Area), Credit Card fraud, In the name of flood fund which amount you collected where amount is used, Where is money, people of Punjab is surfing after the flood, Sugar scandal why you don’t implement the Respected Supreme Court order Why?, Sasti Rooti have a big corruption millions of rupees you burn why that rupee is not use of mankind form of Public private business, or giving Jobs because you burn money and make money you purchase floor your mills and gives subsidize, if you invest that rupee in people, people are able to use that money in own business, Why that rupee is not use in Billa sood Loans, but who asked the question, lots of many question, you talk a Afia Siddique but give answer first about Aimal Kansi. PPPP have a Pakistan big party, PPPP losses all the leader but party is not break major, and PPPP not dealing any dictator and loss Bhutto, and Benazir but PML always with the dictators, Nawaz Sharif and Shabaz Sharif dealing with dictator why they don’t resist on dictator, wrong decision are break Muslim League, major Part of Muslim league PML (Nawaz), PML (Q), PML (F), PML (J), Pakistan Muslim League (Jinnah), PML (Z), Awami Muslim League, Pakistan Qaumi League Zia-Ul-Haq Party PML Z supported PML(N), and All pakistan Muslim League Supported PML (Q) that all the major break if you and your Muslim league are not supported any time of any dictator, in that time PML have a one bigger Party but not now, when Muslim league support dictator after the dictator PPPP take a step to change of function in country but 10 or 12 years problems how can be solve in a minute, PPPP wants to change in Society, in that critical time of Pakistan, government are take very reasonable step to governing a country,
Special Discuss Zardari Cases:
President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari is a President of Pakistan, and the time of President world’s any court not taken step if any court taken a step to open a case its very shameful for a nation, After a presidency of Asif Ali Zardari face all the case but not now, i think he is a very brave leader 12 years Asif Ali Zardari Face a cases in front of dictator but dictator not prove any case of Asif Ali Zardari, after a presidency Asif Ali Zardari face all the case, so please wait for 2.5 years, Supreme Court is know all the matter and also respect the president and i think Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry know all the facts and its very good person, and they also take a bold step in front of dictator, and Inshallah he gives a judgement in favor of President Asif Ali Zardari.
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